Thursday, January 15, 2009

Welcoming in 2009 with GTD

Looking forward to creating a great 2009? In this episode, you can learn how we celebrated our accomplishments of the past year and look forward to great things in the future. We talked about tools and tips and GTD ah-hahs that we'll use to make it all happen. Download the podcast here.

Our next meeting will be on Jan 22 when we'll discuss David Allen's new book: Making it All Work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I'm curious about something. In this discussion, you make the following New Year's Resolution statement:

"One of the things I want more of is spending time out hiking with my dogs, spending time with my husband, and having time to read and reflect. I have this enormous stack of books sitting here, and so one of the things I want more of and am looking forward to having more time for and setting aside more time for is learning and reading."

I'm curious about how you're approaching this, whether and what GTD tools you're using to bring this about, and how you're doing with it. Have you been successful? Has GTD helped?

By the way, I notice (and love) the way you have incorporated GTD thinking in the way you articulate your thoughts about this. In the statement I transcribed above, I can see you moving rhetorically from Area of Focus to Goal to Next Action in the course of one sentence:

Area of Focus: "I have this enormous stack of books sitting here, and so one of the things I want more of"

Goal: "and am looking forward to having more time for"

Next Action: "and setting aside more time for is learning and reading."

That is fantastic.
